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We develop human rights capabilities for better business risk management

“Lasting transformations need to develop a common language and trust between all parties involved.”

Our training and training programs combine theoretical principles and practical applications of them. In addition, we accompany teams (internal and external to the company) in the implementation of new procedures until they are integrated by all interested parties.

BHR Academia adapts to different internal and external interest groups of the company's economic ecosystem; boards and management committees, employees, suppliers, investors, business alliances, ... with the aim of aligning interested parties in the construction of sustainable business models.

Our work as experts in human rights across diverse sectors and cultures allows us to integrate a great diversity of professional experiences from/towards our students.

Own innovative methodologies and tools:

  • Regulators, investors and other stakeholders frequently require companies to ensure effective and up-to-date human rights due diligence systems to prevent, mitigate and remedy their actual and potential human rights impacts. The BHR Methodology responds to this request in accordance with current international authoritative standards, such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

  • BHR's due diligence methodology and tools enable   identify, evaluate and understand the company's performance in terms of human rights over time, facilitating:

    • ​The development of long-term strategies and the implementation of short-term action plans

    • Identification of gaps and proposal of opportunities for continuous improvement.

  • Our analyzes are personalized for better understanding and decision-making regarding human rights, facilitating:

    • The coverage of particular operational needs and specific reporting requirements of our clients.​

  • Our tools are available in Spanish, English and French, making it easy.

    • ​The work of alignment within the same international business ecosystem.

Why choose BHR Academy?

We start by UNDERSTANDING the learning need in its context and develop PROGRAMS adapted to each case.

This training model offers different possibilities:

  1. In-person, interactive online or hybrid learning.

  2. Learning based on resolution of challenges-dilemmas.

  3. Implementation of learning-oriented projects.

  4. Digital game-based learning (in development).

  5. Experiential and active learning.

  6. Collaborative learning.

  • We can use the company's digital platform or our own.

How do we proceed?

  1. Analysis of the risks and challenges of the context.

  2. Human rights policy.

  3. Corporate reports and reporting.

  4. Establishment of a due diligence process and a system for its management.

  5. Action plan (short, medium and long term measures) and monitoring indicators.

  6. Assessment of the actual or potential impact of the activity on human rights.

  7. Assessment of grievance mechanisms and effective redress.

  8. Human rights management capacity building.

  9. Other needs specific to your company.

  • Each proposal is backed by BHR's successful experience accumulated in different sectors, geographic contexts and business profiles (finance, security, telecommunications, technology, automotive, among others).

What can you learn at the BHR Academy?

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