International consultant specialized in human rights
BHR has 20 years of experience providing tailored solutions to manage the specific human rights risks and impacts of companies that operate - both locally and globally - in a wide variety of sectors.
We are adiverse, international team of experts who share a common interest: business and human rights.
With offices in Barcelona and Bogotá, and collaborators around the world,we advise our clients taking into account the regulations of the country and cultures in which they operate.
Maria Prandi
Founder & CEO
Business & Human Rights
20 years advising organizations on the topic of business and human rights.
Researcher, lecturer and peacemaker (in humanitarian crises). Publish books,
He lectures and trains companies on human rights around the world.
Pia Navazo
Senior Director
Due Diligence and Value Chain
Due dilegence. Regulatory updates. Verification of the company's operations centers.
Determination of Gaps between reality and obligation. Determination of qualitative indicators and
quantitative and monitoring plans. Asian Region.
Antonio Fuertes Zurita
Senior Advisor
Business andHuman Rights
Corporate Social Responsibility. Risk management. Development of regulations and protocols. Diligence
Due. Human rights. Training of internal and external teams.
Carlos Silva
Senior Consultant
Methodologies, Reports and Relationship with Stakeholders
Design and implementation of methodologies and reports for due diligence in human rights and
environment of the business sector. Relationship with interest groups from approaches such as
peace building, solidarity economy, local entrepreneurship and green business development.
Ivan Numpake
Senior consultant
Human Rights Agenda in the company ecosystem
Leadership of the human rights, ethics and compliance agenda. Chain of
supply and value. Alliances and alignment between the parties in matters of Rights
Humans. Team formation. Corporate sustainability, sustainable development and
measurement of social impact. Colombia.
Constanza Mateos
Senior Consultant
Stakeholder Engagement
Organizational development and stakeholder participation. Impact Assessments
environmental and social. Social Risk Management and ESDDs. Standards
international to obtain financing from multilateral credit organizations.
Community Liaison. Operates globally.